Matematica Senza Confini
"Mathematics Without Borders"
Early School Dropout in Italy
We referred to a specific Document issued in June 2022 by the Italian Authority for the Rights of Childhood and Adolescence (“Autorità garante per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza”):
“La dispersione scolastica in Italia: un’analisi multifattoriale - Documento di studio e di proposta”
Organization of talented young mathematicians (who has been holding enhancement math lessons to Pietro and Francesco) involved in the course organization
The Tube
The Tube, Educational Center within Comunità di Capodarco di Fermo. A cohort of teenager from the Center experienced the "Pilot Project"
UVI - Unione Volontari per l'Infanzia e l'Adolescenza
Non-profit Organization promoting the welfare, protection and development of children and adolescents in difficult situations in Milan